Forget the SEO textbook tactics and keyword-stuffing tactics of yesteryear, as we are looking at some lesser-known SEO gems that anyone can use to help propel their website to the top of the search engine rankings.

SEO techniques are constantly evolving to keep up with search engine algorithm changes, though the core fundamentals of SEO remain pretty much the same. If your website is fast, informative and an authority in your subject matter, and kept up to date then you have a good chance to rank well for the keywords, services or products you have optimised for.

Read more about keeping up with Google algorithms.

However it never pays to get complacent, so we are always looking for new angles and techniques to add some bells and whistles to our client’s SEO rankings.  Here are just a few that anyone can use to improve their website SEO:

Optimise for Voice Search

As voice-activated virtual assistants become increasingly popular, optimising your content for voice search is a savvy move. Consider the conversational nature of voice queries and tailor your content to match. Long-tail keywords, natural language, and concise, informative questions and answers are key. Crafting content that directly answers common questions can significantly enhance your website’s chances of appearing in voice search results.

Implement FAQ

Despite Google removing some of the How To and FAQ-rich results from the search results recently, having questions and answers or FAQs on your website is an often overlooked SEO tactic. By implementing FAQs on your pages, you provide search engines with additional context about your products and services and directly answer the questions that potential questions may ask. This can lead to your answers becoming listed in the SERP results when a customer searches using a full question. Users are more likely to click on results that offer quick, direct answers to their queries.

Leverage Social Media Signals

Social media isn’t just about connecting with your audience; it can also impact your SEO efforts. While Google has stated that social signals are not direct ranking factors, there’s evidence to suggest a correlation between social media engagement and higher rankings. Share your content across various platforms, including social media and YouTube to encourage social sharing, and foster engagement to boost your website’s visibility.

Create and Optimise Video Content including Shorts

Video content continues to dominate online consumption, and search engines love it too. Embedded videos on your website can improve user engagement and engagement time, both of which are crucial for SEO. Additionally, optimising video titles, descriptions, web links and subtitles with relevant keywords can enhance your chances of ranking in both regular and video search results.

In 2024 more than any previous year, portrait-scaled video content and shorts are being consumed more than ever before, so ensure you are leveraging this kind of content on the relevant channels including YouTube, Instagram and TikTok where these are appropriate to your audience.

Do Not Neglect Mobile Optimisation

Mobile optimisation is no longer a choice; it’s a necessity. With Google’s mobile-first indexing, your website’s mobile version plays a crucial role in determining its search rankings. Ensure your site is responsive, loads quickly on mobile devices, and provides a seamless user experience. Google’s Mobile-Friendly Test tool can help you identify and address any mobile optimisation issues.

Despite mobile-friendliness being a major ranking factor for several years now, and a Statista report (2022) estimated that 99% of online users in the UK accessed the internet through mobile devices, however, studies up to 1 year ago suggest that anywhere up to 10% of websites still lack mobile optimisation.

Focusing on optimising your website for mobile devices ensures a better user experience, higher search engine rankings, and ultimately, business success.

Leverage Local SEO Strategies

For businesses with a physical presence, such as an office or warehouse location, local SEO is a game-changer!

Claim and optimise your Google Business and Bing Business listings, ensuring accurate information like your address, phone number, and business hours. Encourage positive reviews from satisfied customers, as these reviews can influence local search rankings.

Local citations and consistent NAP (Name, Address, Phone number) information across the web also contribute to local SEO success, and there are endless local business directories from the ubiquitous or Apple business connect to the less popular but still equally free and link-friendly

Find Broken Links for SEO Benefit

This tip comes in 2 flavours:

1. Fixing your website’s broken links

Identify and fix broken links on your site to enhance user experience and bolster your SEO. Broken links can harm your site’s credibility, so regularly check for and replace or redirect any broken links.

2. Put other website broken links to good use

Additionally, you can reach out to webmasters of other websites with relevant content, pointing out broken links and suggesting your content as a valuable replacement. This not only helps them but can also earn you quality backlinks. Here’s how to do it:

  • Use tools like Ahrefs or Broken Link Checker to find broken links on relevant websites
  • Create high-quality content that fills the void left by the broken link
  • Reach out to the website owner and politely suggest your content as a replacement
  • Once they replace the broken link with yours, boom! Backlink jackpot! You’ve not only helped a fellow webmaster, but you’ve also earned valuable SEO juice and potential referral traffic. Win-win!

Image ALT Text: Unleashing the SEO Superpower in Every Pixel

Images are like windows to your website, but without proper design, in our case, ALT text, search engines see only a blurry mess. That’s where ALT text comes in, your secret SEO weapon hiding in plain sight.

Think of alt text as a descriptive caption for your images. But it’s not just about aesthetics; originally added for screen readers, to help those with failing sight, but it’s also used to tell search engines what your image is all about. Using relevant keywords naturally, whilst avoiding keyword stuffing, can be another piece of the SEO puzzle that helps your site rank higher.

Here’s how to make your ALT text shine:

  • Be descriptive and accurate, but concise
  • Include relevant keywords, but don’t force them
  • Write for humans, not just search engines.

By optimising your alt text, you’re not just helping visually impaired users, you’re also giving search engines a clearer understanding of your content, products or services.

Putting it all Together

These lesser-known SEO tactics can be a game-changer for your website rankings, elevating your online visibility and attracting more organic traffic. However, there is no instant magic bullet and we understand that navigating the complex world of SEO can be challenging.

If you find yourself in need of expert SEO guidance or want to supercharge your online presence through paid advertising (PPC), the dedicated team at Wiser IT is here to help.  Call Wiser IT today on 07941 783434 or fill in the contact form

Image by kues1 on Freepik